Sunday, January 29, 2006

Week 23rd - 29th January 2006

Happiness is a full oil tank. Unfortunately this photo was taken in's now nearly empty. Oh well.

Monday: Was the day that the wardrobe was to arrive from England. We got a phone call from Morley Green over the weekend to say that the other part of his load destined for France had not turned up and he did not want to bring over the wardrobe on its own. Should be delivered in about 10 days...Watch this space.

Tuesday: Worked on the ceiling in the morning and went shopping in Coutances in the afternoon. Bought a great toy for Jake to play with when he arrives next weekend.

Wednesday: Ceiling finished, hooray! John Clarke (the kennel man up the road) has a puncture and asked for help as he did not have a wheel spanner. The one from the Mercedes is too small so we borrowed one from Yves (must remember to get it back). Received a visit from a building inspector to check up why we had not completed our building work; you normally get 2 years to complete but as we have completed half of the job everything is OK (see Friday for scary letter!). Went to Gonzague's at 5pm for our organic vegetables. Gonzague's farm is in Roncey, he sells his veg from the Farm on Wednesday evenings and then in the market on Thursday. It's good quality et moins cher.

Thursday: Sharon has finished spray painting the day bed so we brought it in from the barn. It just fits under the stairs, looks good. Went to French classes in the evening but as we had seafood pasta for diner (v. heavy on the garlic) we spent the evening trying not to breathe on anyone!

Friday: A letter from planning people turned up. Very official looking and scary references to fines for non compliance. Waiting for Yves to get home from work so that he can translate. Peter phoned and invited us to dinner on Monday, Jan is cooking a chinese meal; as she learned to cook chinese food in Beijing it should be good.

Saturday: Snow! The weather forecast said bright and sunny, the weather god decided differently. Best make sure I do not run out of oil so I have ordered 1000 litres of heating oil. The grandmother of the man who delivers the oil used to live in this house. I showed the scary letter to Yves - it is horrible. I have used the wrong type and colour tiles on the roof. Looking at the plans I can see where the mistake was made. It says "to match existing". We used the existing tiles as a base and added a few of a similar type to make up the difference. What was actually required was to match the tiles on the main roof. See before and after photos. The planning people were also under the impression that all work was finished rather than just the first phase. I will see the Marie on Tuesday (closed Monday) and Yves will arrange a meeting with the planners in Coutances to see what my options are. Peter suggested I just paint the roof grey.

Sunday: A sunny day. Took the dogs for a long walk through the countryside. Forecast for the next few days is cold and sunny. Hope the weather stay's ok for Matt, Abby and Jake's visit next weekend. For their birthday treat (their birthday's are the 5th and 8th of Feb) we have booked next weeks Sunday lunch at a posh restaurant. It's called the "Auberge de L'Abbaye de Hambye". Can't see Matt eating the snails though.... Jake might. Looking forward to it.

That's all for this week folks!

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