Friday January 20th 2006
Last nights french class was better than expected. It is run as an association "La Diligence" and it is for French people to learn English as well as English people to lean French. It was two hours long with 30 minutes conversing in English, 30 minutes French.
This morning we went to Gavray. There we bought 80 metres of quadrant to edge the plasterboard on the ceiling in the salon. There is an English shop in Gavray so we treated ourselves to some baked beans, typhoo tea, wine gums etc.. We also wet into the newsagent and photo copied the building plans as we are just about to go to tender for the barn conversion.
I spent this afternoon filling the ceiling joints and Sharon was in the barn painting the quadrant (easier that way).
Yves came home from work and told us that the restaurant that we were going to Saturday night was closed. Shame I was looking forward to that. We were going with Yves, Veronique , Peter & Jan Gibson. Peter & Jan live in St Denis La Gast and have a large guest house and cooking school called La Conterie. I did their web site (there is a link on the right hand side of this page).
Curry for dinner. Just put a bottle of Guwurztraminer in the fridge. This is a perfumed wine from Alsace which goes very well with spicy food.
That's about all for wait, good news from England. We have bought a wardrobe (yes another one) and are having it shipped from Bath to France. The story goes that we saw the wardrobe on ebay before Christmas but we were outbid. It's a large Ducal wardrobe that is the same style as our other bedroom furniture. We looked at French armoirs but this looked a good bet. Well, the wardrobe was relisted but we did not bid as the transport company we arranged to use last time had gone awol and we could not contact them. Anyway to cut a long story short, the wardrobe did not meet it's reserve price. We contacted the seller and agreed a price so long as we could get transport. Eventually everything was arranged and I have just got confirmation that the transport company (Morley Green) has picked the thing up ok. Delivery on Monday morning.

Today's photo is of the two dogs chilling out.
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