Week 13th – 19th February
A quiet week; mostly spent creating our new garden pond (bassin de jardin).

Collected the loft ladders from Norman & Leslie on
Monday. Valentines Day on
Tuesday – not celebrated as much over here so I had to make my own card up – I put it in an envelope and put it in the post box for Sharon to find. She thought I had not bothered so when she got the card she cried….ahhh.
Wednesday we found and bought a set of car ramps via the internet (I can now drive the tractor up the ramps to get at the blades). On
Thursday I took in the new letter box as it leaks in the rain and the post was getting wet. I need a cunning plan to seal it though. Peter came to dinner on
Saturday (Jan is still in the USA).

As I said, a quiet week in France.
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